Saturday, September 9, 2017

Reaching For the Stars!

"And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?"-Esther 4:14


Hey guys! For today's posts we won't be talking about fashion, but something that in my opinion is so much more important. Our dreams/goals in life.
     Dreams. We all have them. Places we want to go, things we want to accomplish and see. And believe it or not, but YOU are capable of accomplishing anything that you put your mind to. With faith, hard work, and God, anything is possible.
     God has given us each talents. Talents that we can use for His honor and His glory, which in turn will give us Godly, righteous success. You're talent might not be the same as the person next to you, or you might not think it's as cool, but trust me it is. Just like the body has many different functions, people have many different talents. Your's might be designing, singing, mathematics, dancing, acting. Or maybe you're amazing at sports or really good with words. Either way we all have a special God-given talent that we can use to make the world a better place, and they are all just as amazing.
     So maybe you already have found your talent, but you don't know where to go with it. You don't know what to do. You feel like you are too young, don't have enough experience, or just can't accomplish your dreams. But I'm telling you that YOU CAN DO IT. No one said it would be easy, but with hard work and perseverance, you can go far in life, and make your dreams reality as long as you never give up and always trust in the Lord.
     I have experienced this first hand. Ever since I was little, I have loved to write. I would sit down and say stories to make my friends laugh, or make "books" out of manila folders and paper. Eventually, I decided that I wanted to write a book. A real one. So I got to work. Within a year, I had my entire book written, but now came the hard part: publishing. It would definitely be hard to get agents to represent a 14 year old girl, but I didn't let that stop me! I sent letters to agents to represent my book, yet got rejected many times. But did I give up? No! I kept searching, and finally found a way to publish my book. 
     I could've thought that I'm too young to publish a book, that I'll never be able to do it, that it's too hard, but I didn't. I prayed to God, and with His mighty help and my family's I was able to publish my book!!! 💪🙏 I hope that this can inspire other young girls like me that anything is possible if they put their mind and hearts into God and using the talents He has given us to our best ability. :)
      The book is about a 14 year old girl as well, who has had a dream of becoming a famous singer ever since she was little. She decides to try out for a singing competition that just might make her famous, but is fame really all that it seems? I worked super hard on this book and have attached a link to it at the end of this blog. It would mean the world to me if you take a look at it, check it out, and maybe even buy it!! 
      But what I hope that what you learned most from this post is that God has given each of us a special talent and a special purpose. Just like the verse above explains, let's all try to use these God given talents for His honor and glory. For who knows, if you have come to your talented position for a time such as this? 😉
                                       Bye Lovelies! See you next week <3


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